Kitchen Cabinets in Northern Virginia
There is a lot of effort that goes into the designing/remodeling of a kitchen. There are quite a lot of factors that you need to consider that include the decoration, lighting, faucets, and a lot more. However, in all of these big concerns, people often do not consider the smaller yet extremely important factors such as the kitchen cabinets.
Have you ever been to a kitchen that feels extremely warm and cozy? You may not realize but it is true that cabinets play a great role in developing the overall vibe of your kitchen.
In order to help you out with kitchen cabinets, we have compiled a list of the types of common and classy kitchen cabinets in Northern Virginia.
1. Shaker cabinets
The shaker cabinets are the most commonly used among all the different types. These cabinets contain flat panels, with four pieces making up the frame and a single piece as the floor of the cabinet. These cabinets provide a very classic look and come in various different patterns that look very trendy. Moreover, they are easy to manufacture and are hence, not very expensive. At the same time, they provide a lot of value and class. The prices of these cabinets vary depending on the type of wood used, and the build quality. Moreover, their prices can also vary depending on the type of finishing that they carry. Quite commonly, shaker cabinets are made of hardwood and carry a wood/brownish finishing.
2. Louvered cabinets
These cabinets are composed of a horizontal wooden slat. These cabinets are quite expensive as compared to the shaker cabinets. They follow the design of windows, interior doors, and a number of other furniture pieces. All in all, they look really unique and trendy, provided that a suitable finish is chosen to go along with your kitchen’s theme. Since louvered cabinet doors have spaces for air to enter, these cabinets are wonderful for spaces where there is a requirement for ventilation.
3. Flat-Panel cabinets
These cabinets are also referred to as the slab cabinets. They are extremely simple in terms of their build structure, but with. the right finish they can look incredibly stylish. These cabinets are not expensive at all and show off minimalism. So in case, the theme of your kitchen is minimalism, these cabinets will go along really very well. There are a number of ways in which these cabinets are constructed. Mostly, they are made of hardwood.
4. Inset cabinets
As it is obvious from their name, inset cabinets consist of an inset door that is present within the frame of the cabinet. These cabinets have to be designed on the basis of very precise measurements. This is the reason why these cabinets are one of the most expensive ones in the market. So in case you have got enough budget, consider adding these cabinets in your kitchen as they give off a very luxurious vibe. These cabinets are strong, built to last very long, and very trendy with some of the best finishes.